Albert Einstein
One more quote for now:
“There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Putting these quotes on Trey’s website reminds me of when Trey was diagnosed. Hearing a quote like this at a time like that would have made me want to punch someone in the head (probably the person who said it to me). So, these quotes are not for the shitty times, for shitty times happen, and with a kid with a progressive difference, those shitty moments happen more often for us than for others.
(Side note: I had a therapist point out to me that what Ryan and I have been living with for the past four years, wondering about Trey’s brain and the path his life would take, is fear and dread. What we’re beginning to live with now, is more typical to what other parents live with day to day, and that is worry. All parents worry. That’s part of a parents’ life. What most parents don’t live with and what nobody can take for an extended period of time without effects to their health, is the fear Ryan and I lived with for four years. And she is right. Worry happens. I worry about Sadie and Avery too. But worry is not all encompassing. It does not run your entire life or all your thoughts all day long like fear does.)
I definitely go through those shitty times and do not want people to push me out of that place. I need those times to grieve and be sad and angry, in order for me to come out of those times and be okay. These quotes are for those other times. Those day to day times, when your child has not just been diagnosed and has not just gone through or about to go through surgery and is not about to go through a battery of tests. Those times when you can live and choose how to live. When you can choose to be angry or just enjoy your life. Because shit does happen. But it doesn’t have to define you or your life.